(Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting of 2/3/25)
Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to do the following: a) Award and execute a contract for the Central Wheeler Tank Construction and System Improvements Project with Canyon Springs Enterprises of Temecula, CA, for an amount of $3,866,615; b) Allocate a five percent contingency fund in the amount of $193,331 for the Canyon Springs Enterprises construction contract; c) Execute amendment no. 1 to the on-call construction management and inspection services contract with TKE Engineering, Inc. for an additional $340,000, for an overall not-to-exceed amount of $540,000; d) Approve a task order for TKE for construction management services for a not-to-exceed amount of $375,360; e) Execute amendment no. 2 to the on-call civil engineering services contract with Ardurra for an additional $50,000, for an overall not-to-exceed amount of $450,000; f) Approve a task order for Ardurra for construction support services for a not-to-exceed amount of $99,898; g) Approve a task order to Enterprise Automation for SCADA programming and configuration, for a not-to-exceed amount of $50,000; h) Approve a task order to Rockwell Construction Services, LLC for SCADA construction management, for a not-to exceed amount of $44,000; i) Execute amendment no. 1 to the on-call environmental consulting services contract with Dudek for an additional $150,000, for an overall not-to-exceed amount of $300,000; and j) Approve a task order to Dudek for Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program compliance for a not-to-exceed amount of $183,183.